This project contributes to the development of a European Area of Skills and Qualifications since the main objective is to create a transnational school prototype for adults, fully organized and operational as such, where the students will have the chance to complete an experimental program, based on a transnational approach and innovative teaching materials. As a prototype school, the project opens the possibilty for common certification and validation of non-formal education and, as part of the the school counsellor´s work, the transnational school will help the students to create their own Europass for future use in their professional or educational development.
This project also contributes to the development of basic and transversal skills because the school program focuses on the development of basic skills in areas such as Science, the Students´Mother tongue or Foreign Language, as well as transversal skills related to IT, European Citizenship or Entrepreneurial Skills from an intercultural approach. These areas will be implemented by means of the creation of instruction departments. Besides, the use of Moodle for the creation of a virtual space for the school also provides a great opportunity for the development of a blended program which will be flexible and adapted to the needs of the adult students. Moodle will allow the implementation of a student-centered program and the implementation of collaborative activities.
In addition to this, the Transnational Adult School Prototype (T.A.S.P) will strengthen quality by means of an innovative approach that goes beyond the concept of cooperation and aims for the concept of shared responsiblity by means of the creation of a prototype school which is viewed as a transnational organization where responsibilities are shared at all levels (administration, courses, staff, students cooperation, association, etc.). This way the partners involved seek the implementation of innovative teaching strategies and provide the students with a strong organizational structure in order to broaden their horizons, to prevent drop-outs or school abandonment and add new perspectives promoting or leading to the continuation of their studies at a higher level. In this respect, the students will have a counsellor and a transnational students association which will provide them with the necessary assistance and support in order to prevent these drop-outs and to promote the continuation of their studies in the field of Higher Education or in any other field of their interest.
Finally, The T.A.S.P will also explore analyse the views and satisfaction of the adult students so that this analysis can lead to the establishment of best practices in each school department. The transnational school also includes a department for teacher training which is bound to have, as well, a direct impact on the exchange and implementation of best practices and a direct impact on quality and cross-border cooperation. The mobilities (transantional meetings and teaching-learning activities) scheduled during the project duration will be supplemental in this process.