The present team of partners has been formed thanks to the following:
- Previous project cooperation. Three of the partners had the chance to cooperate in other projects in the past.
- E-twinning forums were very useful to introduce the original idea to other partners.
- A Facebook group, created especially for this project by the Turkish partner, has been an invaluable tool not only to contact some more colleagues but also, and more
importantly, to establish regular communication channels by means of weekly updates and to discuss the project in detail with all the partners.
Five of the partners (Greece, Ceregnano, Romania, Turkey and Czech Republic) are newcomers to the action, that is to say, they have never had a similar project with adults although some of them have had projects in other fields. Nevertheless, all the participating institutions have experience in the field of Adult Education and each of them will run a different Instruction Department, as it is the case in any regular school. All of them will also hold positions of responsibility in the prototype institution (Headmaster, Deputy Headmaster, General Dean of Instruction, Counsellor, President of the Students´ Association, etc.), and will contribute with qualified staff and participating students. All the partners will partcipate in all the activities scheduled although there will be a leading organization for each of them. This means that the workload will be the same for each partner and that all of them will share responsibilities during the whole process and at all levels. In addition to this, the coordinator will also make sure that the work is being done according to the Erasmus+ guidelines and according to the standards established in this application form.
Communication will be carried out by means of the numerous communication tools available in the virtual school space created on Moodle (messages, chats and/or discussion forums), by means of the communication channels that have been used by the partners until now in an effective way (Facebook, e-mails, etc.) and, in person, during meetings. Fluent communication will be of key importance during the whole duration of the project and, hopefully, afterwards.
There will also be communication with other local institutions suchs as companies (especially in the area of Entrepreneurial Skills addressed by one of the TASP departments), NGOs, official institutions and individuals in the respective countries during the process of dissemination and implementation of the project which will take place by all possible means (meetings, special events, mail, multiplier events, etc.).
Regarding the transnational meetings, these will be organized by the hosting country with the previous supervision of the coordinator, in regard to the general planning of the meeting, These transnational meetings will be an opportunity for three important activities. As a prototype school for adults, the T.A.S.P. staff and students will hold meetings to discuss and assess the progress of the departments in all the different areas. As a consequence of this, there will be:
-General meetings chaired by the T.A.S.P Headmaster/Deputy Headmaster in order to discuss and analyze the overall progress.
- Meetings between the Dean for General Instruction and the different Department Chairs for assessment of instructional objectives, the lines of research being carried out by each department regarding best practices, students´satisfaction and assessment, as well as any other relevant issue related to the teaching and learning processes, which will be valuable to prevent school drop-outs.
- Teacher training activities especially aimed for adult education.
- Student Association meetings for the students to discuss whatever topics they propose. This communication can also prevent school drop-outs since it can help to gather more information about the students needs and, at the same time, the sudents can receive helpful information and support.
- Meetings with local representatives, companies and other important institutions.
- Field trips for the students and the teachers which will be supplemental activities to those already done in the different classes provided by the T.A.S.P institution, always with a special emphasis on interdisciplinarity and interculturality.
- Final satisfaction questionnaire filled by all the visiting participants in order to evaluate the transnational meeting (organization, standards, efficiency, etc.)
The project will consist of six transnational meetings altogether:
The first one will be held in Spain (the coordinating country), the second one will take place in Turkey, the third one (during the second year of the project duration) will take place in Slovenia and Italy (Ceregnano) and it will be a joint meeting counting as one single mobility), the fourth meeting will be held in Lithuania, the fifth in Italy (Trebisacce) and the last one in Bulgaria.
In regards to communication with other stakeholders, during transnational meetings, the partners will have meetings with community leaders and administrators at a local level such as mayors, town council representatives, teachers, company owners, etc.
At he end of the project, in May-June 2017 there will be a multiplier event in each country to present the intellectual outputs of the project. The participants will be adult education teachers, teachers at schools with Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIC), English teachers , institutions providing non-formal education and other community members with an interest in adult education, foreign languages or transnational cooperation in other fields.