IES La Puebla is located in the municipality of Vícar (Almería), Spain. It is an agricultural area specialized in greenhouse cultivation. The population of Vícar is multicultural and diverse since we have a large number of inmigrants from Europe and other continents. IES La Puebla offers numerous programs varying form regular Secondary Education for teenagers, a plurilingual program (French, English and Spanish), Vocational programs on ICT, air conditioning and heating, as well as Secondary Education for Adults in blended programs and face to face programs.

     The inmigrant and/or disadvantaged/handicapped students recieve, on a regular basis, special guidance and assistance in order to help them in programs and resources for students with learning difficulties.The school has a very strong ICT department whis is responsible for multimedia, programming and implementing various online platforms and applications for the school and the municipality.

     IES La Puebla has coordinated and participated in numerous European projects in the past, such as bilateral and multilateral Comenius projects, Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus+. In other relevant areas, there are ICT vocational programs for Secondary Education level and also for Higher Education level in the fields of Web Applications Development as well as Micro-computing Systems and Nets. There is also a blended learning program for adults that combines online and face to face sessions. Due to this program, many teachers in our school are trained in the use of ICT for teaching/learning purposes.

     Regarding students with special needs, at IES La Puebla, the students with learning difficulties are assessed by the teachers, the school psychologist and the counselling department. After this assessment, the students may: a) enter a special program of Pedagogical Therapy implemented by specialized teachers or b) the school curriculum may be adapted to their specific needs so that they can overcome the difficulties and improve their progress.

     The staff at IES La Puebla is experienced in the field of project management and transnational partnership and cooperation thanks to previous participation in European projects.

     You can see the experience of our partners, in the partners tab.