The main result is the creation of a guideline for teachers and 15 videos for trans-flipped instruction-learning (15/20 min each), accessible for vision and hearing impaired students and subtitled in English and the languages of the participant countries. The chroma- key compositing technique will be used at the post-production stage so that multimedia effects can be inserted. The video contents can be integrated in Foreign Language classes, CLIL, Social Studies and Humanities, or any Lifelong Learning program. These contents will foster an intercultural approach since teachers/participants from the participating countries will appear in each video providing an intercultural insight on the topics addressed:
- European Countries and languages. A video about geographical, political and linguistic aspects of the participating countries, all of them explained by teachers. A video that will explain the origin and main characteristics of the different languages of the participating countries.
- Music and Traditions. A video which will deal with traditional and modern music and about traditions in the participating countries.
- Famous citizensand History. A video about citizens that made a difference in their countries for certain reasons. The video will deal with historical aspects, events and settlers that led to the present time in the participating countries.
- Nature and Sustainability. A video about Nature in the participating counties and natural resources in a sustainable world.
- Food and Tourism. A video about food, famous dishes, traditional cooking, and touristic places we can visit.
- Education. A video about the different educational systems.
- Literature. A video on works and writers in the different countries.
- Visual Arts. Video on Painting, Sculpture...
- Science and Inventions. A video that will present significant scientific achievements.
- Interculturality. A video that will deal with intercultural aspects in our countries, cities, neighbourhoods, etc.
- Sports. The most popular sports and sportsmen.
- Women in Society. About the role of women.
The process of preparation, elaboration and implementation of a transnational and inverted instruction (trans-flipped) program based on these videos is expected to provide the following results
- More accessibility of learning materials for vision and hearing impaired students because all the materials will be designed for integration of handicapped students.
- More materials and resources for flipped learning and instruction in adult education programs thanks to the creation and sharing of the videos and other resources.
- The students development of relevant competences for lifelong learning, such as linguistic, citizenship, learning to learn, etc.mainly through the activities implemented by teachers in the different organizations and the virtual learning community on Moodle.
- A practical training on flipped and trans-flipped instruction of the representatives from our target groups and the transfer of gained knowledge at the training to the members of the staff.
- Improved skills and knowledge on how to teach and learn in intercultural and diverse environments, thanks to the creation of a learning community.
- Testing of the materials and application at the organizations involved in the project.This testing will be conducted before the intellectual output is completely finished.
- Increased involvement of handicapped students in adult education programs thanks to the participation of these students.
- Increased cooperation between the participating organizations and other stakeholders thanks to the project work and dissemination.
- Increased cooperation between departments, including content areas and counselling.
- Greater interest of teachers and trainers in the application of new methodologies.
- Increased level of qualifications among teachers and trainers thanks to specific training and testing.
- Better understanding of how flipped instruction works in a variety of situations thanks to the variety of organizations involved in the project.
- Better understanding of the difficulties faced by handicapped students and the ways to improve social inclusion.
- Greater interest of participants and other organizations in the European dimension of education and cooperation due to an extensive dissemination work.
- Better understanding of teachers, trainers and students on how learning communities work in an inverted instruction program
- Better understanding of teachers, trainers and students of the mechanisms involved in the process of doing collaborative tasks and teaching-training-learning activities.They will take part in activities that require specific skills for cooperation in teaching, training and learning.
- Greater awareness of participants on social issues such as the role of women through being engaged in collaborative activities dealing with the topic.