This activity will be different from all the others because it will be a joint learning/teaching/training activity organized by the two partner organizations that are located in Almería (IES La Puebla and Verdiblanca). The participants will do activities at both institutions providing, this way different job shadowing opportunities in different contexts. Verdiblanca is an association for people with disabilities so their field of expertise, in this case, is adult education for students with special needs. IES La Puebla, on the other hand, is the project coordinator and offers a variety of programs for
adults in blended learning programs and regular face to face programs. A large number of students at IES La Puebla are migrant students mostly from Africa, America and other European countries. For this reason, Interculturality and the development of the Intercultural competence is one of the school priorities. This fact has led to the implementation of an Erasmus+ project in consortium format with the City Council and several immigrant associations about New Challenges in Interculturality for Lifelong Learning.
Taking into account all these aspects, this learning/teaching/training activity will be divided into two parts: The first one will be developed by IES La Puebla and will focus on flipped instruction in blended and face to face learning, as well as in Intercultural learning environments. The second part will be developed by Verdiblanca and will focus on how to implement flipped instruction for students with disabilities.
Participants from Romania, Italy, Slovenia, Germany, Macedonia and Czech Republic will take part in this learning/teaching /training activity. As for the general profile, all the participants will be staff members involved in flipped instruction or willing to implement this kind of approach in their classes or training programs. The selection process will take into account the profile of the hosting organization so that the impact and results are guaranteed.
More specific profiles per organization will be:
- Colegiul Iuliu Maniu: Teachers and trainers of foreign languages, IT...
- University of Hannover: experts and researchers in the field of Education.
- Ljudska Univerza: Staff (teachers, trainers and administrators) involved in Third Age Universities and staff working in immigrant integration.
- Polo Europeo della Conoscenza (Europole): (teachers, trainers and administrators) working with Third Age Universities and students with different disabilities.
- Poliproekt: Staff involved in online learning programs, IT...
- Centrum pro komunitni praci Severní Morava: Staff involved in adult education and community development.
The activity will last for 5 full days, so the participants will travel the day before and will leave after the last day of activity.
The basic program will include, at least, the following aspects:
- Activities conducive to a better understanding and knowledge of cultural and socioeconomic aspects of the environment where the organization is located. These activities are important to be able to put the hosting organization into context, and identify different lifestyles, routines, values, challenges, intercultural aspects, etc.
- Interaction with the administrators and staff members from the organization (headmaster, manager, deans of instruction, counsellors, teachers...). This activity will enable the participants to a better understanding and knowledge of the educational system in Romania and to establish long-lasting bonds and cooperation.
- Interaction with students in the learning environment. This activity will be important to interact face to face with students that are involved in the virtual part of the learning community that will be created on Moodle. This interaction will provide further relevant information to the teachers about the students.
- Observation of flipped classroom activities. The flipped classroom observations are essential to the project objectives since they will allow the participants to observe and exchange good practices and gather additional materials.
- Observation of regular classes. These activities will enable the participants to compare and contrast regular methodologies with flipped instruction. This will lead to a better knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of each program so that the staff can deal with the disadvantages and benefit from the advantages in a more effective way.
- Observation of how the staff at Colegiul Iuliu Maniu help the disadvantaged students to overcome their learning difficulties due to lack or resources. This will help all the staff members from all the participating institutions to identify good practices to help disadvantaged students due to lack of resources.